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What is Depression?

Feeling unhappy or sad in response to disappointment, loss, frustration or a medical condition is normal.  May people use

the word "depression" to explain these kinds of feelings, but that is really situational depression, which is a normal reaction to events around us.

There's a vast difference between "feeling depressed" and suffering from clinical depression.  The despondency of clinical depression is unrelenting and overwhelming.  Some people describe it as "living in a black hole" or having a feeling of impending doom.  They can't escape their unhappiness and despair.  However, some people with depression don't feel sad at all.  Instead, they feel lifeless and empty.  In this apathetic state, they are unable to experience pleasure.  Even when participating in activities they used to enjoy. they feel as if they're just going through the motions.  The signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and they may wax and wane in severity over time.

The Difference Between Teenage and Adult Depression

Depression in teens can look very different from depression in adults.  The following symptoms of depression are more common in teenagers than in their adult counterparts.

  • Irritable or angry mood - As noted above, irritability, rather than sadness, is often the predominant mood in depressed teens.  A depressed teenager may be grumpy, hostile, easily frustrated, or prone to angry outbursts.

  • Unexplained aches and pains - Depressed teens frequently complain about physical ailments such as headaches or stomachaches.  If a thorough physical exam does not reveal a medical cause, these aches and pains may indicate depression.

  • Extreme sensitivity to criticism - Depressed teens are plagued by feelings of worthlessness making them extremely vulnerable to criticism, rejection and failure.  This is a particular problem for "over-achievers."

  • Withdrawing from some, but not all people - While adults tend to isolate themselves when depressed, teenagers usually maintain some friendships.  However, teens with depression may socialize less than before, pull away from their parents or start hanging out with a different crowd. 

Effects of Teen Depression

The negative effects of teenage depression go far beyond a melancholy mood.  Many rebellious and unhealthy behaviors or attitudes in teenagers are actually indications of depression.  See the list below for some of the ways in which teens "act out" or "act in" in an attempt to cope with their emotional pain

Suicide warning signs in depressed teens

  • Talking or joking about committing suicide

  • Saying things like, “I’d be better off dead,” “I wish I could disappear forever,” or “There’s no way out.”

  • Speaking positively about death or romanticizing dying (“If I died, people might love me more”)

  • Writing stories and poems about death, dying, or suicide










  • Engaging in reckless behavior or having a lot of accidents resulting in injury

  • Giving away prized possessions

  • Saying goodbye to friends and family as if for the last time

  • Seeking out weapons, pills, or other ways to kill themselves










If you know of someone who has talked about hurting themselves, please tell someone. Tell a friend, a parent, a teacher.  You may only have one chance to prevent someone from taking their life.


please call 911 or


Sacramento 1‐888‐881‐4881 24‐Hour Crisis Line


Sacramento 916‐368‐3111 Suicide Prevention Crisis Line


Sacramento 1‐888‐281‐3000 24‐Hour Parent Support Line


Text the word HELLO to 741741 

Spanish Speaking Suicide Helpline

Hopeline - 1-800-SUICIDA


Teen line - Teens Helping teens - call 310-855-4673 or Text TEEN to 839863

Crisis Chat Line - Online chat service.  If you cant reach a chat specialist, then call the national crisis line 1-800-273-8255

Remember – Suicide victims are not trying to end their life – they are trying to end their pain

Disclaimer: The diagnosis and treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders requires a trained medical professional. Information contained in this website reflects the opinions of With JJ's Hello Foundation, and is intended for educational purposes only. It should NOT be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment of any mental/psychiatric disorders. Please consult a medical professional if the information here leads you to believe you or someone you know may be depressed.

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